John's Great Big Read - 100 classic books in 156 weeks...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Classic 100 List

  1. Man's Search for Meaning, Fankl Victor
  2. Love in a Cold Climate, Mitford Nancy
  3. Lady Chatterley’s Lover,Lawrence D.H.
  4. The Invisible Man, Wells H.G.
  5. The Wild Swans of Coole, Yeats William
  6. Native Son, Wright Richard
  7. Mrs Dalloway, Woolf Virginia
  8. To the Lighthouse, Woolf Virginia
  9. Winnie the Pooh, Wilne A A
  10. Night, Wiesel Elie
  11. Leaves of Grass, Whitman Walt
  12. Charlotte's Web, White E.B.
  13. The Age of Innocence, Wharton Edith
  14. Day of the Locusts, West Nathanael
  15. Scoop, Waugh Evelyn
  16. A Handfull of Dust, Waugh Evelyn
  17. Brideshead Revisited, Waugh Evelyn
  18. The Double Helix: A Personal Account of Discovery, Watson James
  19. All the Kings Men, Warren Robert Penn
  20. Rabbit, Run, Updike John
  21. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain Mark
  22. Beloved, Morrison Toni
  23. Anna Karenina, Tolstoy Leon
  24. War and Peace, Tolstoy
  25. The History of the Peloponnesian War, Thucydides
  26. Gulliver's Travels, Swift Jonathan
  27. Eminent Victorians, Strachey Lytton
  28. East of Eden, Steinbeck John
  29. Tender Buttons, Stein Gertrude
  30. Confessions, St Augustine
  31. Of Human Bondage, Maughan Somerset
  32. Frankenstein, Shelly Mary
  33. Sonnets, Shakespeare William
  34. Othello, Shakespeare William
  35. King Lear, Shakespeare William
  36. Hamlet, Shakespeare William
  37. Portnoy's Complaint, Roth Phillip
  38. Wild Sargasso Sea, Rhys Jean
  39. Remembrance of Things Past, Proust Marcel
  40. The Fight, Mailer Norman
  41. A House for Mr Biswas, Naipaul V.S.
  42. Lolita, Nabokov Vladimir
  43. King of Solomon, Morrison Toni
  44. Tropic of Cancer, Miller Henry
  45. Moby Dick, Melville Herman
  46. The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, McCullers Carson
  47. Blood Meridian, McCarthy Cormack
  48. Buddenbrook, Mann Thomas
  49. The Prince, Machiavelli Niccolo
  50. The Golden Notebook, Lessing Doris
  51. To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee Harper
  52. The Rainbow, Lawrence D.H.
  53. Sons and Lovers, Lawrence D.H.
  54. Kim, Kipling Rudyard
  55. The General Theory of Employment Interest and Money, Keynes John Maynard
  56. On the Road, Kerouac Jack
  57. The Metamorphosis, Kafka Franz
  58. The Trial, Kafka Franz
  59. Ulysees, Joyce James
  60. The Social Contract, Rousseau Jean-Jacques
  61. Wings of the Dove, James Henry
  62. The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study of Human Nature, William James
  63. Berlin Stories, Isherwood Christopher
  64. A Dolls House, Ibsen
  65. Hunchback of Notre Dame, Hugo Victor
  66. The Illiad and Odyssey, Homer
  67. Leviathan, Hobbes Thomas
  68. The Histories Herodotus
  69. The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway Ernest
  70. For Whom the Bell Tolls Hemingway, Ernest
  71. The Maltese Falcon, Hammett Dashiell
  72. The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Haley Alex & Malcolm X
  73. The Power and the Glory, Greene Graham
  74. The Heart of the Matter, Greene Graham
  75. I Claudius, Graves Robert
  76. Wind in the Willows, Grahame Kenneth
  77. Growing up Absurd, Goodman Paul
  78. The Affluent Society, Galbraith John
  79. Tender is the Night, Fitzgerald F. Scott
  80. The Interpretation of Dreams, Freud Sigmumd
  81. The Magus, Fowles John
  82. A Passage to India, Forster E M
  83. Madam Bovary, Flaubert Gustav
  84. Absalom, Absalom, Faulkner William
  85. Light in August, Faulkner William
  86. As I lay Dying, Faulkner William
  87. Sound and the Fury, Faulkner William
  88. Invisible Man, Ellison Ralph
  89. The Wasteland, Eliot T.S.
  90. The Meaning of Relativity, Einstein Albert
  91. Crime and Punishment, Dosoyevsky Fyodor
  92. On the Origin of the Species, Darwin Charles
  93. Heart of Darkness, Conrad Jospeph
  94. Nostromo, Conrad Jospeh
  95. Lord Jim, Conrad Joseph
  96. The Second World War, Churchill Winston
  97. The Big Sleep, Chandler Raymond
  98. Don Quixote, Cervantes Miguel
  99. Naked Lunch, Burroughs William
  100. The Adventures of Augie March, Bellow Saul

Sunday, January 10, 2010